The PADev Group
The Platform Agnostic
Development Group

What is PADev?

Debates within the information fields have been raging since almost the beginning of the Information Age. They have the intensity normally associated with religion, or politics, and have included centralized (Mainframe) versus decentralized (Desktop), Windows versus Linux, Client Server versus Web-Based, and Java versus DotNet. These are only a few areas the debates have rampaged through. Since there is no clear winner among these, a new direction in consulting is needed: Platform Agnostic Development, or PADev. Each client and project has specific requirements that are best met using a specific technology and methodology.

The PADev Group has many decades of experience spanning the spectrum of Information Technology and can deliver appropriate solutions to meet the requirements of our clients. We will evaluate the needs for the project and make our recommendations for the direction we feel appropriate, even if it means purchase an OTS package instead of our services or training. Given our cross-platform experience, we are also able to provide training classes designed to give developers a head start for transitioning into a new environment.

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